Political Science, asked by qjebqkcy6379, 10 months ago

What are the argument of decentralization of local government?


Answered by dsr01

Decentralization can be defined as transfer or dispersal of decision making powers, accompanied by delegation of required authority to individuals or units at all levels of organization even if they are located far away from the power centre.

In the context of the present discussion, decentralization signifies the devolution of powers and authority of governance of the Union Government and State Governments to the sub-state level organizations i.e. Panchayats in India.

History and Evolution

History of decentralization in India is, as a matter of fact, the history of evolution of Panchayati Raj System in the country.

During the period of British domination of India there was no particular urge for economic and social development except only those activities necessary for safeguarding the rule. Naturally, the issue of decentralization was not in the agenda of the rulers, though local government institutions in the form of Union Boards, District Boards etc. were established as per law.

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