English, asked by abhigyajain21052001, 5 months ago

What are the authors views on the caste system and education system of India in "The Country of the No"?


Answered by Anonymous


this is your answer

hope this help u


The Contribution of the Age to Prose

Much of eighteenth-century prose is taken up by topical journalistic issues-as

indeed is the prose of any other age. However, in the eighteenth century we come across,

for the first-time in the history of English literature, a really huge mass of pamphlets,

journals, booklets, and magazines. The whole activity of life of the eighteenth century is

embodied in the works of literary critics, economists, "letter-writers," essayists,

politicians, public speakers, divines, philosophers, historians, scientists, biographers, and

public projectors. Moreover, a thing of particular importance is the introduction of two

new prose genres in this century. The novel and the periodical paper are the two gifts of

the century to English literature, and some of the best prose of the age is to be found in its

novels and periodical essays. Summing up the importance of the century are these words

of a critic: "The eighteenth century by itself had created the novel and practically created

the literary history; it had put the essay into general circulation; it had hit off various

forms and abundant supply of lighter verse; it had added largely to philosophy and

literature. Above all, it had shaped the form of English prose-of-all-work, the one thing

that remained to be done at its opening. When an age has done so much, it seems

somewhat illiberal to reproach it with not doing more." Even Matthew Arnold had to call

the eighteenth century "our excellent and indispensable eighteenth century."

The essay, satire, and dialogue (in philosophy and religion) thrived in the age, and

the English novel was truly begun as a serious art form. Literacy in the early 18th century

passed into the working classes, as well as the middle and upper classes. Furthermore,

literacy was not confined to men, though rates of female literacy are very difficult to

establish. For those who were literate, circulating libraries in England began in the

Augustan period. Libraries were open to all, but they were mainly associated with female

patronage and novel reading.

Answered by Anonymous


It is called a double circulatory system because blood passes through the heart twice per circuit. The right pump sends deoxygenated blood to the lungs where it becomes oxygenated and returns back to the heart. The left pump sends the newly oxygenated blood around the body.

.mark above answer as brainliest please

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