What are the causes of poverty in Arunachal Pradesh ?
here's your answer
The State has not been able to contain Non-Plan expenditure inspite of best efforts.
The State has been penalized d by not granting adequate Non-plan revenue gap grant
as the State has not been able to transfer the committed liabilities/maintenance of
assets from Seventh Plan onwards. Major chunk of plan outlays is engulfed by
salaries, maintenance of assets and committed liabilities. This leads to State's
limitation to take up new schemes and also to continue financing of ongoing/spill
over schemes. As a result, a large number of assets created in the last plan periods
have deteriorated resulting in declining productivity. Such projects are not found
remunerative and self-sustaining. The assumption that the completed schemes will
give enough return for their maintenance has not been realized in the State. If such
trend continues, the expenditure on committed liabilities/maintenance of assets during
Tenth Plan will have to be borne under Eleventh Plan, unless it is transferred to Non-