Science, asked by priyanshiptl22, 6 months ago

what are the celluer and moleculer change occurs in the brain as a part of Neuroplasticcity? ​


Answered by nissichristina


The long-term potentiation model is widely used in studies of the infl uences of various factors on long-term synapse plasticity in normal and pathological conditions. Long-term potentiation is based on a set of modifi cations whose sequence is controlled by a multitude of extracellular and intracellular signals [Gulyaeva, 2017a]. Induction of long-term modifications occurs in response to increases in intercellular calcium content. ...

... It could hardly be correct to explain the defi cit of long-term potentiation in terms of impairments to vitally important functions mediated by glutamate transmission involving NMDA receptors. Long-term plasticity makes a signifi cant contribution to the development of neuropathology, the same molecular mechanisms underlying normal and aberrant plasticity [Balaban and Gulyaeva, 2006;Gulyaeva, 2017a;McEachern and Shaw, 1999]. It can be suggested that "changes in normal plasticity in neuropathology do not mean loss of the potential for plasticity, but are evidence of a change in the type of plasticity" [Gulyaeva, 2017a]. ...

... Long-term plasticity makes a signifi cant contribution to the development of neuropathology, the same molecular mechanisms underlying normal and aberrant plasticity [Balaban and Gulyaeva, 2006;Gulyaeva, 2017a;McEachern and Shaw, 1999]. It can be suggested that "changes in normal plasticity in neuropathology do not mean loss of the potential for plasticity, but are evidence of a change in the type of plasticity" [Gulyaeva, 2017a]

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