Political Science, asked by tom961, 1 year ago

What are the challenge of the women empowerment​


Answered by ShreeSekhar

  • As we see, government is taking some concrete steps in empowering women by helping women to help themselves and their families. But are these programs sufficient? Are they brining about a change in the attitude of a patriarchic society? Here are some bitter answers:

  • The maternal mortality rate in India is the second highest in the world. India accounts for more than 25% of all maternal deaths in the world.
  • In a survey conducted by WHO, more than 80% of pregnant Indian women are found to be anemic. This results in exceptionally high rates of child malnutrition. Malnourished women give birth to malnourished children, perpetuating the cycle
  • Only 39% of Indian women attend primary schools. Most families pull them out of out of school, either to help out at home or from fear of violence.
  • While women are guaranteed equality under the constitution, legal protection has little effect in the face of prevailing patriarchal traditions. Women lack power to decide who they will marry, and are often married off before they reach the age of 18.
Answered by Ahanarman


The culture and tradition of India is considered as old and great all over the world where people used to worship various female goddesses, saints and poets. India is also a powerful nation and famous worldwide for being the largest democracy in the world however, women backwardness is also very clear in the Indian society because of the social issues, problems and lots of restrictions against women. Women belong to the lower and middle class family suffers more than the women of higher class family. Women in the Indian society generally face problems of sex discrimination, high percentage of illiteracy, female infanticide, dowry system, etc.

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