Sociology, asked by gawassiddesh2341, 1 year ago

What are the challenges to secularism in india?


Answered by Shanaya200
group and people of different religions thought taht they are different from each other more people want their religion to be considered as the main religion and also some people want to follow more than one religion
Answered by Akanksha111
There are a lot of challenges to secularism of India . Here are a few:
* Though the laws are made against discrimination .... but in the social life ... discrimination is still happening.
* We talk about justice ... but there are many rapeists , thieves , murderers and gangsters roaming freely. Why aren't we able to punish them?.
* We talk about development but still there are some parts of India where a girl is not allowed to go out of there houses.... they are even not allowed for studies.
* We talk about equality but we live in a society where the girls are blamed for everything happening to them .... if a girl is raped ... it's her fault ... she should have done something to attract them...
We live in a society where boys can roam in undershirt and undergarments ... but a girl is judged according to the length of her clothes.
* We talk about secularism but still there are reservations for SC ... ST ... OBC ... General ... why ... a general category person requires 90% marks ... but SC ST are able to become a doctor at 60%...
There should be equal margin for everyone.... either it's a general category or SC ST OBC ...
Hope it helps ...
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