Psychology, asked by BrainlyProgrammer, 5 months ago

What are the changes in behaviour and your habits during early adolescence?

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Answered by unknown3839

Emotional changes during Adolescence:

During adolescence the hormonal changes and the changes in the body have a lot of emotional impact on the young minds . The world as they know it seems to be changing and individuals seem to feel a lot out of balance. A few key changes that almost everyone feels are :

Feeling overly sensitive:

  • During puberty, the body undergoes many changes, it is common for individuals to feel uncomfortable about the changes and become overly sensitive about their physical appearance. As a result they get irritated quite easily or lose their temper and feel depressed. Most of the adolescents have huge mood swings as a side effect of the hormonal changes.

Feeling uncertain :

  • Adolescents are easily impressionable and are influenced by people around them. Impact of peer group is greater than that of parents and adults. Also the changing hormones brings about recklessness. This is the age where the kind of company an adolescent is keeping matters a lot as many bad influence can lead to bad habits, or addictions that can be very difficult to get rid of.

Looking for an identify:

  • At this stage adolescents are often trying to figure out what makes them unique as a person. They are neither an adult nor a child anymore, puberty can potentially lead to uncertain times. However this is also the time to decide About the future, interests and career aspirations and achieve life goals.

Conflicting thoughts :

  • An adolescent undergoes a lot of internal conflict, as they feel stuck in between the comfort of being a child and the urge, the peer pressure to behave like an adult. For example, they want to be more independent and at the same time, might also look for support from their parents. An adolescent also gives up on the interests he or she had as a child to be able to fit in with friends or his /her own age.

Felling conscious about self :

  • The onset of puberty can vary on an individual basis. Therefore the way one individual may grow maybe different from the way his/her friends grow. This can make them conscious about their body. There is also awareness about the individuals from the opposite gender and attraction towards them.

The period of adolescence is the time of change for an individual ; they need to be rightly guided by the adults around them. It is also a period of great self control for the individuals as well as the family members around them.


Answered by BrainlyStar909

Changes at occur during adolescence :

Increase in height:- During puberty, there is a sudden increase in height of both boys and girls. This increase in the height is due to some factors such as:-

  • Inheritance
  • Nutrition

Change in body shape:- Many changes occur in body shape during puberty. These changes are different for boys and girls. In boys, shoulders become broader and the chest becomes wider. The body muscles grow more prominently than in the girls. So, the body of boys looks more muscular. In girls, hips gain weight and the region below the waist (Pelvic region) becomes wider. The development of breasts also begins during their period.

Change in voice:- At puberty the voice box (larynx) begins to grow. Boys develop larger voice boxes. The growing voice box in boys can be seen from outside in the neck i.e. Adãm's apple. Gìrls are having high pitched voice and boys are having low pìtvhed voices.

Increased activity of sweat and sebaceous glands:- In human beings the skin has two important glands i.e. sweat glands and sebaceous glands. Sweat glands produce sweat and sebaceous glands produce oil and sebum, which keeps the skin oily.

Development of sex hormones:- The male sex hormones like testes develop completely in boys. Testes start producing the male gametes called sperms. In females sex hormones like ovaries, oviducts and uterus enlarge and develop completely.

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