what are the changes in the land use pattern till day
Change in land use pattern is a complex phenomenon, which is affected by several socio-economic, climatic conditions and institutional factors. Technological changes have also extended change in land use pattern.
In India the classification of land has had its roots in agricultural statistics.
For a few years after the country’s independence, the land in India was broadly classified into five categories:
(i) Area under forests,
(ii) Area not available for cultivation,
(iii) Uncultivated lands excluding current fallow,
However, it was soon realised that such a classification did not give a dear picture of the actual area under different categories of land use, required by agricultural planning. Hence, a reclassification was adopted from March 1950. Under it, land in India is now classified under nine different categories, viz., (i) forests, (ii) barren and unculturable land, (iii) land put to non- agricultural uses, (iv) culturable wastes, (v) permanent pasture and other grazing land; (vi) miscellaneous tree crops and groves not included in the net area own, (vii) current fallows; (viii) other fallows; and (ix) net area sown.
The study of land utilisation is done on the basis of above classification.