What are the changes seen in girls at the time of puberty? (class 10 ch 8)
At the time of puberty secondary sexual characters, develop and sexual maturity takes place in both girls and boys. The changes that seen in girls at the time of puberty are as follows:
i. Voice becomes thin
II. Menstruation begins
iii. Breast enlarge
iv. Hips become rounded
v. Hair grows under the armpit and in the pubic area.
During puberty the following changes occurs :
1.) Increase in Height : The one set of the puberty period usually results in a dramatic, sudden and visible increase and height and weight. Also, there are changes in the body proportions. The arms and legs grow faster than the rest of body. This often result in this disproportionate size causing awkwardness among adolescents. However, this awkwardness disappears once full growth has been attained. This spurt in physical growth in more evident in girls between 11-13 years of age ; it is between 13-15 years for boys.
2.) Changes in the size of hearts and lungs : There are changes in the size of hearts and lungs ; these are less apparent but equally important.
3.) Change in body shape : Many changes takes place in the shape and size of of girls. Even though, there are different changes for boys and girls.
4.) Mensuration start in the Girls : In the age of 11-13, Girl faces the puberty age as the uterus prepares itself to receive it by forming a thick lining of blood vessels are shed off. This flow of dead cells (Blood) , This process is termed as Mensuration.
5.) Growth of Hairs on the Body : When the girls reach at the age of adolescence then there's also a characteristics, that there's Growth of Hair on the Body.
6.) Change in the Voice : Larynx, also known as the Voice box , is present in the throat, At the age of puberty the voice of a girl becomes thick and Matured.
7.) Increased activity of Sweat and Sebaceous glands : The sweat glands of the body develop fully during Puberty and there's an increased seceration of sweat. Acne and Pimples are common among adolescents due to increased production of sebum from sebaceous glands.
8.) Development of Sex organs : During puberty, physical and sexual developments take place more or less at the same time. The sex organs of girls starts developing , and production of ova begins. The ovaries mature ova.
9.) Change in Hormonal Balance : Most of the changes which occur in body, which is controlled by Hormones. Hormonal balance in adolescents shifts strongly towards an adult stage. This is triggered by the pituitary glands, which secretes hormones and these influence the production of Testosterone in boys and Estrogen and Progesterone in girls. These hormones are released into the blood stream and start the rapid maturation of Sex organs.
10.) Development of Secondary Sexual Characters : The development of Breasts starts developing and Body hairs become Prominent.