Chemistry, asked by singhriya8269, 1 year ago

What are the characteristic features of o2 liberated in a chemical reaction?


Answered by AfreenMohammedi


Physical and chemical properties of oxygen It dissolves poorly in water, and boils at a temperature of -183 degrees Celsius. Oxygen in liquid form is light blue in color, and in solid form the element forms dark blue crystals.

Answered by hinaguptagracy


On heat­ing, oxy­gen en­ters into a re­ac­tion with var­i­ous sim­ple sub­stances (met­als and non-met­als), form­ing ox­ides as a re­sult of in­ter­ac­tion – com­pounds of el­e­ments with oxy­gen. The in­ter­ac­tion of chem­i­cal el­e­ments with oxy­gen is called the ox­i­da­tion re­ac­tion. Ex­am­ples of equa­tions of re­ac­tions are:

4Na + О₂= 2Na₂O,

S + О₂ = SO₂.

Sev­er­al com­plex sub­stances also en­ter into a re­ac­tion with oxy­gen, form­ing ox­ides – the equa­tion of the re­ac­tion is:

СН₄ + 2О₂= СО₂ + 2Н₂О

2СО + О₂ = 2СО₂.

Oxy­gen as a chem­i­cal el­e­ment is ob­tainedat lab­o­ra­to­ries and at in­dus­tri­al plants. Oxy­gen can be ob­tained in the lab­o­ra­to­ry by sev­er­al meth­ods:

by the re­ac­tion of the break­down of Berthol­let’s salt (potas­si­um chlo­rate);

in the process of the break­down of hy­dro­gen per­ox­ide, heat­ing the sub­stance in the pres­ence of man­ganese ox­ide as a cat­a­lyst;

by the break­down of potas­si­um per­man­ganate.

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