What are the characteristic features of South west monsoon? Mention its formation,
direction and areas of rainfall.
South West Monsoon Season – South West Monsoons – Arabian Sea branch & Bay of Bengal branch, Break in South West Monsoons, Advance & Withdrawal.
Isoline, Isobar, Isotherm & Isohyet
ISOLINE: imaginary lines joining regions with equal rainfall or any other parameter.
ISOBAR: imaginary lines joining regions with equal pressure.
ISOTHERM: imaginary lines joining regions with equal temperature.
ISOHYET: imaginary lines joining regions with equal rainfall.
Rainy Season – South West Monsoon Season
South West Monsoon Season – June to mid-September.
South West Monsoon Season is also known as hot-wet season.
Sudden onset is the important feature of South West Monsoons.
With the onset of monsoons, temperature falls drastically and humidity levels rise.
Temperature during South West Monsoon Season
Sudden onset of South West Monsoons leads to significant fall in temperature [3° to 6°C].
The temperature remains less uniform throughout the rainy season.
The temperature rises in September with the cease of south-west monsoons.
There is rise in temperature whenever there is break in the monsoons.
The diurnal range of temperature is small due to clouds and rains.
The highest temperatures are experienced at places west of the Aravali [38° to 40°C]. This is due to lack of clouds and hot continental air masses.
Other parts of Northwest India also have temperatures above 30°C.
The temperatures are quite low over the Western Ghats due to heavy rainfall.
The coastal areas of Tamil Nadu and adjoining parts of Andhra Pradesh have temperatures above 30°C as they receive little rainfall during this season.