What are the criteria that should be satisfy by good line drawing algorithm?
First of all alogrithm are not drawn. Pictorial representation of alogorithm is called flow chart.
The characteristics of a good algorithm are:
Precision – the steps are precisely stated(defined).
Uniqueness – results of each step are uniquely definedand only depend on the input and the result of the precedingsteps.
Finiteness – the algorithm stops after a finite number ofinstructions are executed.
Input – the algorithm receives input.
Output – the algorithm produces output.
Generality – the algorithm applies to a set ofinputs.
Answer: The various criteria must satisfied by a good line drawing algorithm are:-
1. Algorithm should be simple and easy to use.
2.Overall cost after drawing should be minimized or cheaper.
3. Algorithm should provide optimization in future.
4. It should be highly efficient when in use.
5. Computation must be fast enough.
6. Support float values for accurate result.
7. Highly precised.