What are the descriptions on the three caskets in merchant of venice?
According to her father's will, the man who selects the right casket will win Portia's hand in marriage. The caskets are made of gold, silver, and lead.
When the first suitor, the Prince of Morocco, picks the golden casket, assuming gold, the most valuable of the three metals, must represent the great worth of Portia, he learns, to his dismay, that he is wrong. He is told that what is on the inside of a person is more important than outward appearances:
All that glisters is not gold;
Often have you heard that told:
Many a man his life hath sold
But my outside do behold:
Gilded tombs do worms infold
The second suitor, the Prince of Arragon, selects the silver casket. He, too, learns a lesson about valuing the surface (in this case, words) more than what is inside:
The world is still deceiv'd with ornament,
In law, what plea so tainted and corrupt
But, being season'd, with a gracious voice
Obscures the show of evil? In religion,
What error but some sober brow
Will bless it, and approve it with a text,
Hiding the grossness with fair ornament.