what are the difference laws that helps to explain the organization of different stimulus in the visual fields?
Grouping can occur in both visual and auditory stimuli. In the image above, ... Because the objects are close to each other, we group them together.
Perception is the set of unconscious processes we undergo to make sense of the stimuli and sensations we encounter.
Outline the stages of the perception process
Key Points
Perception refers to the set of processes we use to make sense of the different stimuli we’re presented with. Our perceptions are based on how we interpret different sensations.
The perceptual process begins with receiving stimuli from the environment and ends with our interpretation of those stimuli. This process is typically unconscious and happens hundreds of thousands of times a day.
When we attend to or select one specific thing in our environment, it becomes the attended stimulus.
Organization of stimuli happens by way of neural processes; this starts with our sensory receptors (touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing), and is transmitted to our brains, where we organize the information we receive.
After we receive and organize stimuli, we can interpret those stimuli, which simply means that we take the information and turn it into something that we can categorize.
Key Terms
percept: A mental representation of a stimulus
Perception Process: A sequence of steps that involves, sequentially: selection of stimuli in the environment, organization of that information, and interpretation of those stimuli.
Perception: The organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information