what are the differences between the early and the later vedic age
Difference between Indus Valley Civilization and Vedic Civilization are as follows:
Vedic Civilization was cultivated by Aryan people who being originated from an European Stock invaded the autochthons of India, the creator of Indus Valley Civilization in the Indo-Gangetic plain. These invaders were considered as highly intellectual people who gave the world a new language, the Sanskrit and a new religion based on Veda.
Indus Valley Civilization:
It is a civilization developed by the Dravidian people
It was an urban civilization
Reflected in city life
The people did not know the use of iron
They used the materials like Stone, Copper and Bronze in making weapons
The people did not know the use of horse in war
Mother cult as well as the cult of Siva were prominent in the religious belief
Bull were of high esteem
No social division was found among the people
Vedic Civilization:
It is a civilization developed by the Aryans
It was mainly the rural civilization, centered round the village
The people used iron weapons extensively
The people had the cavalry. They introduced horse in India
People believed in one God
Cows were the high esteem animals
Social divisions were conspicuous in the society