Biology, asked by rishilaugh, 1 year ago

What are the different classification of microorganisms


Answered by nimmi5
Answered by Anonymous


Question :-

What are the different classification of microorganisms ?

Answer :-

  • Microorganisms are so small that they cannot be seen with naked eyes.
  • The organism that are visible only through a microscope are called microorganisms.

Some of the features of microorganisms are listed below :-

● They cannot be seen with naked eyes.

● They may be unicellular or multicellular.

● They may exist alone or in colonies.

● They can survive in any type of climatic conditions.

Classification of Microorganisms :-

There are mainly four major groups of microorganisms. They are :

  1. Bacteria
  2. Fungi
  3. Protozoa
  4. Algae

Viruses are also considered as microorganisms. They are considered different from the other microorganism as they reproduce only in the body of the host they reside in like plant, animal, bacteria, etc.

Many microorganism are harmful while some of the microorganism are useful to us in one way or the other. A small fraction of the microorganism may cause diseases. Such diseases causing microorganisms are called germs or pathogens. Washing your hands before any meal mean that you are removing the crumbs or pathogens sticking to your hands and thus keeping the diseases away.

1. Bacteria :-

Bacteria are unicellular microorganisms. Being just a few micrometres in length different type of bacteria have different shape their found in many four types of said. They are:

Road-shaped (bacilli), spherical shaped (cocci), curves shaped (commas), and spiral shaped (spirilla).

2. Fungi :-

They are long thread-like unicellular or multicellular microorganisms. The Threads of the multicellular fungi are called hyphae. A fungus is neither a plant nor an animal. It is similar to a plant but it has no chlorophyll and can not make it on food as a plant can through photosynthesis. The to main classes of fungi are saprophytes and parasites. The saprophytes feet on decaying organic matter and the parasites feed on/in the body of the living organisms.

For examples ,

Unicellular fungus - Yeast

Multicellular fungus - Penicillium, Aspergillus, bread mould and mushrooms, etc.

3. Protozoa :-

They are unicellular organism having a size ranging from 2-200 microns. They a raha hai to traffic in nature and thus cannot prepare their own food for example on Amoeba, Paramecium, Plasmodium, etc.

4. Algae :-

Algae are aquatic and photosynthetic microorganism. They can prepare their own food so they come under the category of autotrophic organisms. They maybe unicellular or multicellular.

For example,

Unicellular algae - Chlamydomonas

Multicellular algae - Euglena, blue green algae , etc.

5. Virus :-

Viruses are the smallest microscopic organisms. As they do not come under the category of cellular organisms that do not have cell organelles. There are four type of viruses :-

  1. Plant viruses
  2. Insect viruses
  3. Bacterial viruses
  4. Mammalian viruses

They are made up of genetic material surrounded by a protein coat. Viruses cannot reproduce on their own. For this, they need to enter a living host cell. Outside the hostel de do not show any characteristics of living organisms. Common ailments like cold, cough, and influenza (flu) are caused by viruses. Serious diseases like polio and chickenpox are also caused by viruses.

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