Science, asked by Anonymous, 3 days ago

what are the different root modification?
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Answered by 22advi

Modifications of Tap Roots

For Food Storage

In some plants, the roots become fleshy due to the absorption of food material. The aerial parts of these plants are worn out due to unfavourable conditions. When the conditions are favourable again new buds emerge either from the fleshy root or from a small bit of stem above.

For eg., the taproots of carrot and turnip get swollen to store food.

Depending upon their shapes, they are classified as;

Conical roots are broad at the base and conical at the apex, eg., carrot

Fusiform roots are swollen in the middle and tapering towards both the ends, eg., radish

Napiform roots are spherical at the base and taper towards the apex, eg., turnip

Tuberous roots have no specific shape. They appear thick and fleshy, eg., sweet potato

For better Respiration

In some halophytes such as Rhizophora that grow in swampy areas, the roots emerge out of the ground and grow upwards to get oxygen for respiration. The root tips of these plants have minute pores called lenticels through which they respire.

Nodulated Roots

Roots of the leguminous plants are modified into root nodules which contain nitrogen-fixing bacteria such as Rhizobium. They help in fixing the atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates and make it available to the plant.

For Food Storage

Adventitious roots are modified into:

Simple Tuberous Roots are swollen and do not assume any shape. For eg., sweet potato

Nodulose Roots are single beads. They become swollen at the apex and have a definite shape, eg., ginger

Fasciculated Tuberous Roots is the cluster of adventitious roots for food storage. They have a definite shape, eg., Dahlia

Moniliform Roots are swollen and constricted, eg., grasses

Annulated Roots has an appearance of discs placed one over the other, eg., Ipecac.

For Support

Prop Roots: These roots develop from the branches of the tree, hang downwards, and penetrate into the ground thereby supporting the tree. Eg., roots of the banyan tree.

Stilt Roots: These roots grow obliquely from the basal node of the stem. Eg., roots of the sugarcane.

Climbing Roots: These roots arise from the nodes and attach themselves to some support to climb over it. Thus, they provide support to the plant. Eg., Money plant

Clinging Roots: These roots enter the crevices of some support and fix the plant. Eg., epiphytes orchids

Buttress Roots: These are vertically elongated basal part of the stem which spread in different directions in the soil. These are horizontally compressed and appear like planks. Eg., Bombax.


hope it helps


Answered by Anonymous


The mode of nutrition in Amoeba is called Holozoic nutrition.

The nutrition in amoeba takes place in the following steps:

1. Ingestion: The process of ingestion is nothing but intake of food into the body. Amoeba is unicellular and hence it does not have mouth, Amoeba takes the food into the body by forming structures called pseudopodia around the food particle. This pseudopodia forms a vacuole around the food particle called food vacuole and the vacuole is taken inside the cell.

2. Digestion: The food particle inside the vacuole is broken down into soluble particles by digestive enzymes inside the vacuoles.

3. Absorption: The broken food particles is absorbed into the cytoplasm of amoeba by diffusion. The food particles which are unabsorbed are left inside the vacuole.

4. Assimilation: The absorbed food is converted into energy in this step.

5. Egestion: The undigested food in the food vacuole is thrown out from the cell.

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