What are the different stimuli to which animals respond?
hope it will help u
A stimulus is a signal from the animal's body or its environment. It is a form of energy—light waves or sound vibrations, for example. All but the simplest animals receive a stimulus—light, sound, taste, touch, or smell—through special cells called receptors, located in many places on or in the body.
Defense mechanisms vary with different types of animals. Some examples are:
Camouflage: Some animals have protective coloration to survive changes in its environment. Some animals develop their camouflage in response to the weather. For example, the arctic fox and snowshoe hare develop a white coat for the winter to blend in with the snow and a gray coat in the summer to blend in with the forest. Chameleons and other lizards change colors to blend into the environment to avoid predators.
Smells: Skunks use an offensive odor in response to fear. The skunk turns the predator's sense of smell against it by issuing a stream of oily, foul smelling musk.
Stingers: Wasps and bees use a stinger for protection when frightened or threatened.
Ejection: The black ink cloud of an octopus is a defense mechanism because it gives the animal a chance to escape from a predator. When the horned lizard gets really scared, it shoots blood out of its eyes allowing it time to escape.