what are the different types of frequency distribution and explain it
●Frequency distribution in statistics provides the information of the number of occurrences (frequency) of distinct values distributed within a given period of time or interval, in a list, table, or graphical representation.
●Grouped and Ungrouped are two types of Frequency Distribution.
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A frequency distribution is an orderly arrangement of data classified according to the magnitude of the observations. When the data are grouped into classes of appropriate size indicating the number of observations in each class we get a frequency distribution. By forming frequency distribution, we can summarize the data effectively. It is a method of presenting the data in a summarized form. Frequency distribution is also known as Frequency table.
Uses: Frequency distribution helps us
1. To analyze the data.
2. To estimate the frequencies of the population on the basis of the ample.
3. To facilitate the computation of various statistical measures.
Frequency distribution table (also known as frequency table) consists of various components.
Classes: A large number of observations varying in a wide range are usually classified in several groups according to the size of their values. Each of these groups is defined by an interval called class interval. The class interval between 10 and 20 is defined as 10-20.
Class limits: The smallest and largest possible values in each class of a frequency distribution table are known as class limits. For the class 10-20, the class limits are 10 and 20. 10 is called the lower class limit and 20 is called the upper class limit.
Class limit: Class limit is the midmost value of the class interval. It is also known as the mid value.
Mid value of each class = (lower limit + Upper limit)2 .
If the class is 0-10, lower limit is 0 and upper limit is 10. So the mid value is
(0+10)2 = 102 = 5 .
Magnitude of a class interval: The difference between the upper and lower limit of a class is called the magnitude of a class interval.
Class frequency: The number of observation falling within a class interval is called class frequency of that class interval.
Construct a Frequency Distribution
A frequency distribution table is one way to organize data so that it makes more sense. The data so distributed is called frequency distribution and the tabular form is called frequency distribution table. Let us see with the help of example how to construct distribution table.
The frequency distribution table lists all the marks and also show how many times (frequency) they occurred.