Economy, asked by thegreatravan10, 3 months ago

What are the different ways of increasing production on the same piece of land? Use examples to explain. short answer​


Answered by sejgite123


Multiple cropping and use of modern farming methods are two different ways of increasing production on the same piece of land. e.g., (i) Multiple Cropping When more than one crop is grown on a piece of land during the year it is known as multiple cropping.


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Answered by MaithiliChakraborty


The different ways of increasing production on the same piece of land are as follows:-

1.By multiple cropping.

This is the most common way of increasing crop production. People grow different types of crops on the same piece of land under this process. This is generally seasonal. For example farmers produce rice in the kharif season and wheat on the rabi season. This process doesn't let the land remain idle for a whole season and thus increase productivity.

2.By using HYV seeds (high yielding variety).

This seeds were first introduced during the green revolution. HYV seeds are more productive than the common seeds and thus produce more and good quality crops.

3.By using good irrigation techniques.

Crops require a large amount of water to grow and prepare food. Modern irrigation techniques like sprinkler system and drip irrigation can be used for increasing crop production as they help the crops to gain water in less time

4.By adding adequate amount of fertilizers and pesticides.

Chemical fertilizers and natural manures when used in a proper amount can increase crop production. This helps the plants to gain nutrients and grow healthy. Also, the pesticides are important because they help the plants to be disease free by killing the pests. Thus, use of this modern methods will increase the plant growth and improve yield.

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