what are the disadvantages of high level languge
2)needs to be translated , can't executed by CPU directly.
3) processing speed is slow as compared to low level language .
4) provide limited control over hardware.
5) compiled programs are large in size . whereas machine language programs require less space.
Disadvantages of High-level Languages
Two main disadvantages of high-level languages are:
1). Lower efficiency: Generally, a program written in a high-level language has lower time and space efficiency than one written in a machine/ assembly language to do the same job. That is, programs written in high-level languages result in multiple machine language instructions that may not be optimized, taking more time to execute and requiring more main memory space. Hence, when a program's efficiency is important, we write its performance critical parts in assembly language and non-critical parts in a high- level language. However, with the advent of efficient and optimizing compilers this problem is now becoming a non-issue.
2). Less flexibility: Generally, high-level languages are less flexible than sssembly languages because they do not normally have instructions or mechanism to control a computer's CPU, memory, and registers. An assembly language provides the programmers access to all the special features of the machine they are using. Certain types of operations that a programmer can easily program by using the machine's assembly language are impractical to attempt by using a high-level language. This lack of flexibility means that a programmer cannot code some tasks or can code it only with great difficulty in a high-level Language.