what are the does and dons of covid 19 to stay safe
Currently, in India, the rate has been increasing drastically and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has taken preventive measures to stop its spread. A simple hack is to take precautionary measures to keep yourself safe from getting infected. This article will give you an insight into some of the Do’s and Don’ts during the corona outbreak.
- Do’s
1. Hand Wash
2. Cover Your Mouth & Nose
3. Consult A Doctor If Sick
4. Stay Indoors
- Don’ts
5. Avoid Close Contact With Anyone
6. Do Not Spit
7. Avoid Using Public Transport
8. Do Not Use Over The Counter Medicines
9. Don’t Panic, Take It Easy
10. Don’t Touch Your Face
Does- 1. Hand wash
2. Cover your mouth and nose.
3. Consult A Doctor if sick.
4. Stay indoors.
Don's- 1. Avoid close contact with anyone.
2. Do not spit.
3. Avoid using public transport.
4. Do not use over the counter Medicine.
5. Don't panic, take it easy.
6. Don't touch your face.