English, asked by cutuchikugmailcom, 1 year ago

what are the drawbacks of modernism ?​


Answered by arenarohith


‘modernism’ is a universal word, able to be used at anytime in history, to signify the present and current age - as opposed to anything preceding it.

All ages have drawbacks. What is emerging as new, is unknown, is not something people are accustomed to, habituated in, and taking for granted. And if you are familiar with human nature, you know that this is not a comfortable place to be, that it generates unease, fear, anxiety.

Normally, human beings are very flexible hominids, able to flex and change according to social, environmental, cultural, and even religious changes. Taking each one of these at a time is a manageable task, everything considered, and the results are usually more than satisfactory.

Now we come to 21ST CENTURY ‘modernism.” So it would seem that every aspect of society, by being bombarded daily with these rapid changes, is convoluting the society as never before. Nothing to act as a ‘hold on’ is there in the everpresent swirl of all levels of society.

Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Gene Editing, Designer Babies, Instant Communication, Total Surveillance, National Data Banks, Unlimited Wealth, Grinding Poverty, Fascism and Nationalism, Totalitarianism, Extinction of Privacy, Technology for Technology’s Sake. . . . . . . . . . these a just a few items to get started. With the incredible speed with which each is developing, already red flags are popping up in the most unlikely places.

There would be a very sinister and blatantly lethal element attached to each of the ‘items’ mentioned. These are the very ‘drawbacks’ of our modernism.

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