what are the effect of smoking?
ANS-. In the initial stage lungs can be badly affected coughs cold and asthma later on it can cause pneumonia,lung cancer and liver problems, heart diseases and stoke.
to ham se kyo pucha ......
Effect of smoking are cancer , asthma and other lungs problem
Actually when we smoke a highly addictive gas is released which effects on our brain and relaxes it . So we think that it is good for us and we smoke more and cannot live without many times a person is so much addicted of smoke that he smokes 15 to 20 segrates a day and in that condition it almost impossible to leave the addiction of segrate which causes cancer and the cancer is not cure directly because this cancer is now in our breathe directly in our blood and the the cells are divided uncontrollably in all organs which are in rib cage mainly heart is effected .
Thus it causes cancer or there are 99% chances of a stroke in smokers