What are the effects of air pollution on human and environment?
The effect of air pollution causes harm to both humans and environment
On humans :
1. lung damage
2. breathing problems
On environment :
1. acid rain
2. ozone depletion
3. eutrophication
Air pollution have several severe effects on humans as well as on environment.
On humans:
● air pollution is mainly responsible for causing respiratory problems in human beings. It can cause severe damage to the lungs of a person.
● It is also responsible for causing diseases like asthma.
● Air pollution can also cause problems related to Eyes in human beings like itching, redness, swelling of eyes, etc.
● it can also cause several skin related diseases like some kind of allergies or irritation.
On Environment :
● high level of pollution in air caused due to industrial emission and other chemicals is responsible for causing acid rain which is harmful.
● during winters air pollution can also result in formation of fog which creates problem to see clearly and is cause of accidents every year.