what are the effects of permanent settlement act on agriculture
Lord Cornwallis was the first Governor-General who paid his attention to the revenue reforms and achieved marvelous success.
It was the permanent land settlement of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa. He reorganized the Board of Revenue which had the power of supervising the works of the revenue collectors.
The kanungos were the hereditary revenue officers since the time of Mughals.
The Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II had granted the Dewani of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa to the Company in 1765. When Cornwallis arrived in India, the system of land revenue which was in prevalence was that the farmer paid the tax to the Zamindar. The Zamindar collected the revenue and paid 9/10th to the state keeping l/10th for himself.
The system of annual settlement was in vogue. In 1772 Warren Hastings had introduced Quin-Quennial settlement or Five year settlement according to which the right of collection of revenue was given to the highest bidder for five years on contract basis. But this settlement failed and Warren Hastings resorted to annual settlement.
The condition of the peasants became deplorable. After his arrival in India Cornwallis found, “agriculture and trade decaying, Zamindars and rayots sinking into poverty and the money lenders the only flourishing class in the community.” In 1785 the Court of Directors permitted Cornwallis to implement a settlement with the Zamindars, at first for ten years and to be made permanent if it proved satisfactory. But in 1787 and in 1788 annual settlements were made.
In 1789 Cornwallis prepared rules for a Decennial settlement. Two different theories were held by Sir John Shore, the President of the Board of Revenue and Mr. James Grant, the Record Keeper with regard to the revenue settlement. John Shore maintained that the Zamindars were the owners of the land and the State had the right to a customary revenue from them. James Grant, on the other-hand held the view that the State was the owner of all land and the state had the right to make the settlement either with the Zamindar or the cultivator.
Ultimately, Cornwallis accepted the view of John Shore. In 1790 a settlement for ten years was made with the Zamindars who were recognized as the owners of the land. With the approval of the Court of Directors, the decennial Settlement was declared permanent on March 2, 1793.
According to the Permanent Land revenue settlement the Zamindars were recognised as the permanent owners of the land. They were given instruction to pay 89% of the annual revenue to the state and were permitted to enjoy 11% of the revenue as their share. They were left independent in the internal affairs of their respective districts. The Zamindars were required to issue Patta and Quabuliyats to the cultivators mentioning the area of their land, and the amount of revenue to be paid by them to the state. The historians have expressed divergent opinions about its merits and demerits.
According to Mr. Marshman, “It was a bold, brave, and wise measure; under the influence of this territorial character which for the first lime created indefeasible rights and interests in the soil, population has increased, cultivation has extended and gradual improvement has become visible in the habits and comfort of the people.” Mr. Holmes held the view that, “the permanent settlement was a sad blunder. The inferior tenants derived from it no benefit whatever. The Zamindars again failed to pay their rent charges and their estates were sold for the benefit of the government.” In this way several scholars also hold different views about its merits and demerits.
To retain influential people happy and accumulate high wealth, Cornwallis inaugurated the permanent Settlement. Under the permanent system, taluqdars and rajas of the different territories were identified as zamindars, who were reckoned to accumulate the land taxation from the farmers. The percentage of revenue was fixed and never tend to be increased or decreased. Zamindars have to collect wealth from workers and pay to the British Company.