what are the effects of photochemical smog and how can we control?
Smog also causes corrosion of metals, stones and building materials. Control of Photochemical Smog Many techniques are used to control or reduce the formation of photochemical smog. (i) The most straight forward way is to minimize the release of oxides of nitrogen and hydrocarbons to the atmosphere.
Firstly let us know what is photochemical smog,
» Photochemical smogs are present in warm, dry and sunny climate. It contains unsaturated hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides.
Effects of photochemical smog :
Photochemical smog causes serious health problems. Both ozone and PAN are very powerful and couses eye irritation.
Photo chemical smog leads to cracking of rubber and extensive damage to plant life.
Ozone and nitric oxide irritate the nose and throat and their high concentration causes headache, chest pain, dryness of the throat, cough and difficulty in breathing.
It also causes corrosion of metals, stones, building materials, rubber and painted surface.
Control of photochemical smog :
We can control photochemical smog by controlling the pollutants of Nitrogen oxide and hydrogen.
By planting pinus, pyrus and vitie we can control photochemical smog because they metabolise nitrogen oxides