Social Sciences, asked by tiashasha, 1 year ago

what are the effects of sea level change?

- expecting good content answer.


Answered by Manvendra111
If the sea level is increas some of the costal area will go under the water and the over flow will drop down the houses and other things under water

if the sea level will decreas the costal area will become larger and some fish will lay on costal area and the fisher man get profit and easy to catch fish or other sea animal

tiashasha: great answer!
Answered by Bunti360
Sea Level change can be of 2 types,

(1). Rise in Sea level, and,
(2). Decrease in Sea level,

Let us talk about 1st type,

If there is a rise in Sea Level , Then we can say that Thermal Expansion is taking place at higher rate, Which indicates that, Global Warming has been increased,

So, If sea level increases, one of the consequences we face is Polluted air, (Relating to Global Warming),

And the main thing here is if sea level rises, Then most of coastal regions will be effected badly, Since they are close to the seas, If the sea level rises then the water enters in the coastal areas and damage everything and Man Kind may disappear, 

And most of the aquatic animals which are in the sea at top most level, may enter the coastal regions and may loose their life,

And also If it increases, Then it indicates Global warming has increased right? So which means, The Glaciers and Antarctic will eventually melt fastly, and The sea level rises more ! I know it may sound Dramatic, But it is true ! ,

And also If it increases then , The water may be heated slowly , Since the Volume of Water is increased, Which means, We may suffer from Heat during Night time too, 

Which Indicates that There is a great Danger to Human life and Aquatic Life If sea level rises ! If we think of carefully There are many disadvantages for it !,

Now, Let us talk about 2nd case,

If sea level decreases : 
We already know that , Human Population is growing rapidly these days, and to make Human Life survivable then we need plenty of resources to make Humans to live,

But If sea level decreases then , There won't be sufficient water for Future Generations and eventually, Human life will be slowly Vanished in nearer days,

And if sea level decreases, Then aquatic animals , may not have sufficient water for their survival , I mean, Some aquatic animals , Live nearer to sea level, So, If the level decreases, then there may not be any Aquatic Plants, in Water  !,

And if sea level decreases, then the Water cycle will be disturbed and We may not get sufficient rain, So Again, A great DANGER to life ! 

Which means, There is a great danger for both Aquatic and Human lives again !

Conclusion : 

If there is a change in sea level then there is a great danger to both Aquatic life and Terrestrial Life, In the above para's Please consider that, Human kind or Human life also indicate Terrestrial Life,

So, Let us make sure that, We maintain our sea level properly and , Make sure Humans use it Judiciously, And no one waste it ! 

These are the some effects of Sea level Change !

Hope you understand, Have a great day !
Thanking you, Bunti 360 !

And remember that, If you think my answer is wrong, Please make sure that you report it and delete it !


tiashasha: the best and right answer! well done!
Bunti360: Thanks for the compliment, and thanks for choosing my answer as the Brainliest answer !
tiashasha: you're welcome!
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