What are the effects of the hole in the ozone layer
During depletion , chlorine , fluorine and bromine molecule of CFCs and halogen are converted into reactive free radical from by the photochemical reaction from the initial non reactive sites.
Depletion in the concentration of ozone layer over a restricted areas over Antarctica is called ozone hole.
During 1956- 1970 , spring time thinking ozone over Antarctica was 280 to 325 Dobson unit.
During 1979 it were 225DV , 136DV in 1985 and VDV in 1994 .
Spring time depletion ozone is due to action of sunlight over pollutants which release chemical that destroy ozone.
Thinning of ozone layer means getting direct in touch with ultra violet rays which can cause skin cancer or skin irritation which can lead to death. A decrease in 1% of ozone layer can cause 5% increase in cases of skin cancer. Exposure to UV rays has also increased the cases of cataracts which in turn affects people’s vision and could also cause an increase in people becoming blind. Depletion of ozone layer and increase in UV rays can also cause DNA damage which can also be catastrophic. Aquatic plants and animals are not even safe. UV rays can penetrate through water and can kill small plants and animals. If ozone hole keep on expanding, there would be very few plants which means less food in the whole world. The effect of the ozone hole and the damage done to the layer is still not very well understood. Apart from the gradual decrease of the ozone layer all over the world, there is little quantifiable evidence of new holes appearing any time soon. Even so, a number of countries have been working towards mitigating the damage.