English, asked by manpriya1510, 1 year ago

what are the effects of various bad health habit


Answered by Keya200


Bad habits and their impact on a human’s health

The category of bad habits includes those habits that both, harm human health and restrict a person from the full use of his abilities throughout his life. The most dangerous habits are those, who were obtained at a relatively immature age and to get rid of which a person is not capable of. Such habits cause considerable damage to human existence - loss of potential and motivation, premature ageing of the human body and the acquisition of diseases of various kinds. Such habits include the consumption of the following killing substances: tobacco, alcohol, drugs, toxic and psychotropic substances.

Bad habits and their impact

Alcohol abuse

Alcohol refers to a group of neuro depressants - substances that impair the activity of the brain centres. Such substances reduce the flow of oxygen into the human brain relatively strongly, because of that the brain can only function with less activity: the person experiences coordination distortion, speech inconsistency, unclear thinking, loss of concentration and attention, inability to think logically and make reasonable decisions.

Main factors that may cause alcoholism include domestic drunkenness with physical dependence on alcohol; unfavourable relations and conflicts in the family; traditions which imply alcohol consumption; unfavourable surroundings; low cultural level; high prosperity... etc. Also, many people try to express themselves with the help of alcohol.

   Cardiovascular system diseases

   External respiration system diseases

   Gastrointestinal pathologies

   Distortion of the functions of the liver

   Distortion of the functions of the kidneys

   Psychical deviations

   Weakening of the immune system

   Reduction of sexual activity

   Weakness and exhaustion of muscles


Usage of tobacco products of any kind is particularly dangerous because it harms both, the smoker and people who surround him. According to the UN data, every 13 seconds in the world because of smoking dies a person. Smoking refers to one of the forms of substance abuse, which causes chronic poisoning of the human body, developing mental and physical dependence. After smoking, nicotine, which is an integral part of all tobacco products, immediately enters the blood vessels through lung alveoli. Moreover, the smoke of tobacco also contains many toxic substances, including combustion products of tobacco leaves and substances used in processing, such as carbon monoxide, hydrocyanic acid, hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide, essential oils, ammonia, tobacco tar.

The use of tobacco products, as well as the use of alcohol, negatively affects all systems of the human body.

   Smoking has also a negative impact on respiratory system. After inhaling the smoke of tobacco, irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, larynx, nose, damage to trachea and bronchi start taking place. This causes airway inflammation. If a person has been smoking for a long time, he may suffer from irritation of the vocal cords, as well as narrowing of the glottis. Cough with secretion of dark color mucus is normal for a smoker. It provokes the development of shortness of breath. Smoking is also one of the factors that causes the development of diseases, including asthma and pneumonia.


Psychostimulants cause harm to the human nervous system, developing severe depression, which can lead to psychosis. They dramatically increase metabolism, heart rate and blood pressure. Therefore, the energy for life maintenance is taken from reserve reserves of the organism that do not have time to recover, leading to the exhaustion of the body. Also, the heart condition is at risk, due to severe arrhythmia. Myocardial infarction and heart failure can take place.

With the use of hallucinogenic substances, the special damage is caused to the brain. They destroy the human psyche and with frequent use may cause psychosis and irreversible damage to the psyche.

he next generation of parents who are drug addicts. The fetus can be born mentally retarded, with physical abnormalities.

Factors, including, the personality of a person, his temperament, social environment, as well as psychological surroundings can affect the formation of unhealthy habits. Therefore, it is necessary to choose both, your surroundings and the environment of your children carefully, in order to avoid diseases and complications discussed above. Likewise, it is worth remembering that bad habits harm not only you but also your loved ones. So, it's worth starting to get rid of them as soon as possible!

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