what are the exact reasons for people getting toxic?
mark me in brainliest plz
Some people become toxic due to learned behavior that causes maladaptive coping skills in society and in relationships. A way to utilize uncomfortable feelings of inadequacy is through unhealthy behavior that is developed from a foundation of a weak ego or an unmet developmental stage that was essential in one's emotional and psychological growth. The internal struggle between their own unmet needs and compensatory methods to meet those needs are incorporated into their behavior and the behavior towards others. Under the mistreatment or toxicity is the subconscious goal to meet the needs from previous developmental stages and/or to subconsciously correct the pain and internal conflict of a previous experience or treatment they received themselves. Learned behavior is a coping mechanism to meet the immediate needs of their internal conflict, but never quit satisfies or meets the needs of their long term goals in true psychological, spiritual, and cognitive growth that effects interpersonal skills in relationships and in society. Learned behavior is also observed and integrated from other role models when at a impressionable age that again, tries to meet the needs of their injured selves from their own experiences or under developmental stage(s).
The mismanagement of feelings and emotions causes toxic people to create more conflict, friction, and sets up ample opportunity for different kinds of direct or indirect abuses unto another. An obscured expression of feelings can leave one person or others in an array of mixed emotions themselves, thus setting up the correlation for further unhealthy interaction and toxic behavior. The conflict of emotions is developed from lack of identification, reasoning with understanding, and appropriately processing those feelings, i.e. "energy in motion" (Bradshaw, 1998) that create healthy outcomes. This erodes the communication process and all inter/intrapersonal relationships in one's life, thus creating more toxic treatment or maladaptive behavior to compensate or fulfill the immediate gratification for short term needs. This type of managing feelings promotes further toxic behavior that increases one's (already) obscured reality that is just based on superficial reactors, regressed projections, and displacement of subconscious demands related to past memories from previous critical developmental stages.
Unhealthy projection, on all levels, is also why some people become toxic in nature. There are many forms of projection and displacement among people that are usually formed from an earlier stage in their development that created unmet needs that were/are not met through oneself and/or through healthy relationships. This projection of emotions and maladaptive treatment unto others is through the unhealthy method that only seeks to get their own needs met of immediate self gratification among the ego and not of the whole person in healthy areas. This form of short term satisfaction often leaves the id and super ego out of balance and causes more reason and opportunity to counterbalance and compensate to seek the integrated median of true self fulfillment that promotes healthy self esteem. Indirect projection of feelings and unmet needs unto others in the form of toxic treatment often leaves the long term effects and healthy needs unfulfilled which only produce more rationales and further opportunity to continue maladaptive behavior and mistreatment. The root of toxic treatment unto another is a way to correct, seek, or meet the critical needs of the person that were never met. This crucial element is under the superficial aggression, jealousy, rationales, and understanding of why the toxic treatment was/is being implemented. Not addressing the crucial elements then creates a habitual, domino effect to keep recreating situations through toxic behavior that never meets the needs and goals of healthy inter/intra relationships with themselves and in society.
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