Social Sciences, asked by nishan2, 1 year ago

what are the factor affecting climate?4point descrive each


Answered by nitish19
the factors which affecting the climate are :-
1- Latitude
2- Ocean currents
3- Wind and Air masses
4- Relief
5-Near water bodies
6- Elevation

I hope this answer is helpful to you

bholarajesh: It is also a right
nitish19: yeah
nishan2: answer my new question which i posted
nitish19: okay
Answered by apparnaraj
Hi folk,
Here's the answer....

The main factors that affect climate of a place are :-

✭ Latitude - The latitude of a place affects its climate. A place near equator has very hot climate as it receives direct sun's rays. But as we move further away from the equator toward the pole, the angle of the sun's rays become slanting therefore spreading over a large area and gives less intense heat. Therefore places away from the equator has a colder climate.

✭ Altitude - The altitude is defined as the height of a place above the sea level. A place located on higher altitude has much colder climate than a place located on a lower altitude. This is because :-
✪ The land gets heated up by terrestrial radiation rather than by direct rays from the sun.
✪ Lower altitude has heat trapping gases like Carbon Dioxide which traps the heat, making the climate warmer. As we move to higher altitude, the air gets thinner and therefore traps less heat, making the climate colder. 

✭ Distance from sea - A place near the sea has moderate climate due to land and sea breeze.The temperature doesn't show much significant changes during summer and winter. But as we move away from sea towards inland areas, the temperatures during summers and winters show drastic changes. For example- If Mumbai has a temperature of 25-30°C in winters, it will have temperature of about 30-35°C in summers but Delhi, an inland area, will have temperature of about 15-20°C in winters and 40-45°C in summers. 

✭ Rainfall - Rainfall greatly affects the climate of a place. If a place receives constant rainfall throughout the year, the climate there will be damp and humid. The amounts of rainfall received by a place depends upon the direction of the wind it receives. If the place receives wind from sea area, then it will be moisture laden, bringing rain. But if it receives wind from dry inland areas, the climate there will be dry and hot.

nishan2: tell me the one point of factor affecting climate that is"$lope of land"
apparnaraj: oh..okay...wait
apparnaraj: A steep slope ex­periences a more rapid change in temperature than a gentle one. Mountain ranges that have an east- west alignment like the Alps show a higher temper­ature on the south-facing ‘sunny slope’ than the north- facing ‘sheltered slope’.
apparnaraj: The temperature may then be lower in the valley than higher up as the slopes. A reversal of the lapse rate has taken place. This is called a temperature inversion.
apparnaraj: did ya get it??
nishan2: yeah
nishan2: plz give 2nd answee
nishan2: plz give 2nd answeer
apparnaraj: whts the ques?
nishan2: why meduterrain and tropical monsoon climate have high population
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