what are the factors leading to russian revolution?
in the beginning of 20th century Russia was still an auto crazy and the jar was not subject to Parliament during the revolution of 1905 social democrats and socialist revolutionaries worked worked with the pigeons and what to demand a constitution there was supported in Empire by the Nationalist example in Poland and in Muslim dominated areas by jadidists who wanted modernize Islam to lead the societies
Causes of Russian Revolution
The factors responsible for the Russian Revolution
1.the inclusion of Russia into the First World war.
2.the economic crisis in Russia also contributed for the Russian Revolution
3. Society in Russia was divided into classes and the whole society was imbalanced.
4. The Czar Alexander III was an autocratic ruler . He followed thepolicy of One Czar, One Church and One religion. According to this policy there would be the rule of only Czar, only one Church i.e Catholic church and one Russian language.This Russification Policy of Czar Nicholas II made a situation of turmoil in the entire of Russia. Factors for the Russian Revolution