English, asked by aswani4244, 2 months ago

what are the factors that drives one to achieve goal explain briefly


Answered by AkariOzora


1. Goals:-Goals basically guide our choices. The more specific the goal, the better able people are to reach it. Specific goals lead to better performance than “do your best" goals. A specific goal (walking at least 30 minutes every day) is more concrete and easier to monitor. By focusing on fewer goals, we increase the chance of achievement. With too many goals, we often are afraid of making the wrong choice, so we end up doing nothing. As Plato counseled: “Do one thing, and do it well.”

2. Motivation:-Motivation is generally described as the force that drives us to pursue a goal. The more you want the goal, the more likely you are willing to make the efforts and sacrifices required to achieve it. We rarely do anything if we lack emotion or don’t care about it.

3. Self-confidence:- A strong belief in one’s capacity for achievement is essential for success. Self-confidence is the opposite of anxiety and self-doubt. The confident individual is more likely to persist in the face of obstacles. Confidence is acquired by knowledge, practice/experience, and effort.

4. Progress monitoring:- Goals do not work well unless one can track progress. Progress monitoring serves to identify discrepancies between current and desired states. Monitoring progress also helps one to concentrate on goal-relevant activities.

5. Compromise between feasibility and desirability:- People generally underestimate the difficulty of successful goal pursuit. For a distant future, individuals commit themselves to goals that are highly desirable but less feasible. However, for the near future, individuals prefer goals that are less desirable but highly feasible (Trope and Liberman, 2010). So it is important to identify and abandon goals that are unlikely to be achieved (e.g., learning piano in six months).

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