English, asked by flordemayallecer, 5 hours ago

What are the factors that make the Philippines similar or different from its Asian neighbours


Answered by kurienloy


Explanation: Genetics, culture and geography. Genetically, the majority of Filipinos have Y DNA that belongs to Hapologroup O which is said to be the "East Asian gene" since the gene is present almost exclusively to East and Southeast Asians along with Polynesians and Malagasys whose roots trace back to Southeast Asia

Answered by AaravChhabra3008

Genetics, culture and geography.

Genetically, the majority of Filipinos have Y DNA that belongs to Hapologroup O which is said to be the "East Asian gene" since the gene is present almost exclusively to East and Southeast Asians along with Polynesians and Malagasys whose roots trace back to Southeast Asia. Its no wonder that in the Western eyes, Filipinos look Chinese (although personally I disagree with this). Some have the "Indian gene" H1a which was brought to the Philippines during the trade between India and Southeast Asia in pre-Hispanic times and during the very brief British occupation of Manila wherein many Indian sepoy troops that were recruited by the Brits, stayed and married local native women after Britain lost to the Spaniards and were forced to leave the country.

Culturally, Filipinos are very conservative, kinship ties, superstitious, traditionalist, matriarchal (as opposed to Western patriarchy), deeply religious, saving face mindset. The typical Filipino dishes uses soy sauce, fish sauce, fish paste, coconut milk and of course the meal wouldn’t be complete without rice. While some elements in the culture and cuisine are peppered with Hispanic and American influence but overall it is still predominantly Asian.

Geographically of course this is a no brainer, we are located in Southeast Asia. The nipa huts, rice paddies you can also find them in other Southeast Asian countries.

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