English, asked by gunjhumchou8dgal, 1 year ago

What are the figures of speech used in Ozymandias?


Answered by upenderjoshi28

Alliteration: and sneer of cold command, colossal wreck, boundless and bare, lone and level sands stretch far away.

Alliteration: Alliteration is the use of the same letter or sound at the beginning of words that are close together, as ‘She sang a song of sixpence.’


Synecdoche: The hand that mocked them, the heart that fed.

Synecdoche is a word or phrase in which a part of something is used to represent a whole, or a whole is used to represent a part of something. For example , in ‘Australia lost by two goals’, Australia is used to represent the Australian team. In the expression ‘the hand that mocked them’, the hand represents the hand of the sculptor who made Ozymandias’s sculpture. Similarly in the expression ‘the heart that fed’ hear represents the heart of Ozymandias’s heart. 

Answered by SillySam

Alliteration ---When two letters or sounds are repeated like water wents wild.

Cold command
Stone stand
Survive stamped
King of kings
Colossal Wreck
Boundless and bare

Synedoche--When a part is used in place of whole. ex- Greenwood school won in interschool championship. Here ,Greenwood School is used as a part to refer The team of Greenwood School.

The hand that mocked them,and the heart that fed.

Here hand is used as a part for 'hand of sculptor' and heart is used as a part for Ozymandias' heart.

Personification ---When non-human things are given human qualities; eg--Death lays her icy hands on King. Here Death doesn't has hands but human has.

That lone and level sands stretch far away.

Here Stretch is giving the quality of human to the sand.

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