English, asked by Mansa1909, 7 months ago

what are the figures of speech used in the poem cold within


Answered by Vishwaabhi



In Kinney's poem The Cold Within, he uses different poetic devices, or figures of speech


1. Alliteration: Repetition of similar consonant sounds at the start of adjacent words.

"In bleak and Bitter cold". the repetition of 'b' in bleak and bitter

2. Metaphor: An indirect and implied comparison of 2 different things where there is a point of similarity.

"Giving only to those who gave

Was how he played the game".

In the above lines, human life is compared to a game. The last man would give something to one who could give him something in return. This is how he played the game of life.

3. Metonymy: A word of phrase used to imply something closely related to it.

Saw one not of his church"

'Church' represents religious faith. The second man saw that a man present there was not sharing his beliefs.

4. Allegory: Convey hidden or complex

meaning through symbolic figures, imagery, events, actions.

"Each one possessed a stick of wood"....

Wood which means the abilities and resources of an individual to serve the human good

5. Personification: The projection of characteristics which belong only to humans onto inanimate animals, objects, forces of nature, and deities.

".Their logs held tight in death's still hands"

the poet has personifies death into a human with a still hand.

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