Geography, asked by gyaneshwarrao503, 1 year ago

What are the five principles of sustainable development?


Answered by arunaraju
 1. Environmental and Economic Integration

The environment and the economy are obviously very closely related. This link is more than a mere principle; it is a necessity for sustainable development. Various economic tools and policies may promote sustainable development, or at least lead to a more environmentally conscious use of resources. These tools or policies, such as the polluter-payer or consumer-payer approach, may be applied equally to producers, consumers and taxpayers and to enable the market to determine the correct overall cost of using resources. In many instances, however, for the actual value of natural resources to be taken into account, producers and economic agents need to change their attitudes. As a result, tax incentives or other economic tools may be necessary to promote this coming together of the environment and the economy.

The integration of the environment and the economy is as advantageous for poorer countries as for rich ones because, if production models adhere to economic and environmental rules, there may be a better balance of comparative production advantages. The result could be a softening of world trade rules whereby poorer countries would be enabled to lay claim to greater economic development.

Certain traditional economic indicators may also assist in assessing the degree to which the economy and the environment are integrated. Particular examples are the gross domestic product and per capita income; global indicators that reflect social aspects (such as the Human Development Index, which includes longevity, education and income); and strictly environmental indicators, such as water quality and land use.

      2. Maintenance of Biological Diversity and Conservation of Natural Resources

Achieving sustainable development presupposes that we can preserve biological diversity, maintain ecological processes and life support systems and use the world’s species and ecosystems in a sustainable manner. Development based on the preservation of natural resources calls for energetic measures that will make it possible to protect the structure, functions and diversity of the natural systems on which life depends.

These measures must focus on species and ecosystems as well as on their genetic heritage. Consequently, the limits, on and the capacity for renewal of, natural resources such as soil, wild and domesticated species, forests, pasture and farm land, fresh water and marine ecosystems, must not be compromised. As well, the life of non-renewable resources should be extended by developing and using more effective and cleaner technologies and by encouraging re-use and recycling.

      4. Cooperation, Partnership and Participation

Achieving sustainable development has become a collective responsibility that must be fulfilled through action at all levels of human activity. Consultation and cooperation in all decision-making are essential to the sustainable management of terrestrial, aquatic and marine ecosystems. It is incumbent upon all states and all nations to cooperate in good faith and in a spirit of partnership in implementing effective strategies to protect, preserve and restore the environment. All must take an active part and do their fair share in accordance with their capabilities and the means at their disposal.

All governments must accept their responsibilities by introducing economic growth policies and programs compatible with the protection of their own environment and that of others. They must ensure the protection of ecosystems of particular importance for agriculture and the way of life of the populations that depend on it. Furthermore, they must facilitate the participation of non-governmental organizations and decentralized or local communities to ensure they can play a greater role in all development- and environment-related activities.

      5. Education, Training and Awareness

Safeguarding the environment and achieving sustainable development depend not only on technical and economic matters, but also on changes in ideas, attitudes and behaviour. The direct participation of individuals and communities is essential. All must become fully aware of their environment, know its demands and limits and alter their habits and behaviour accordingly.

Answered by toshniwalraghav
  • respect and care for all forms of life
  • improve quality of human life
  • improve you attitude and practices towards environment
  • enable communities to care for their own environment
  • minimise depletion of natural resources
  • conserve earth's vitality and diversity
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