What are the four main regions of forest fire
There are three basic types of wildfires:
Crown fires burn trees up their entire length to the top. ...
Surface fires burn only surface litter and duff. ...
Ground fires (sometimes called underground or subsurface fires) occur in deep accumulations of humus, peat and similar dead vegetation that become dry enough to burn.
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Answer:Surface Fire
underground fire
ground fire
crown fire
Surface Fire - A forest fire may burn primarily as a surface fire, spreading along the ground as the surface litter (senescent leaves and twigs and ...
Underground Fire - The fires of low intensity, consuming the organic matter beneath and the surface litter of forest floor are sub-grouped as ...
Ground Fire - These fires are fires in the sub surface organic fuels, such as duff layers under forest stands, Arctic tundra or taiga, and organic ...
Crown Fire - A crown fire is one in which the crown of trees and shrubs burn, often sustained by a surface fire.