What are the four types of viharas according to buddhism?
In Buddhism, there are four states of mind called the “Brahma-vihara” or “four divine states of dwelling.” Buddha taught these values to monks. The four divine states are also known as the “Four Immeasurables” or the “Four Perfect Virtues.” In many Buddhist traditions the four states are cultivated through meditation. They are also interrelated and support one another.
The four states are:
metta (loving kindness)
karuna (compassion)
mudita (sympathetic joy or empathy)
and upekkha (equanimity).
It’s important to understand that these mental states are not emotions. It takes practice and dedication to establish these states of mind, and even then it’s a constant journey. One cannot simply make up in your mind that you will be loving, compassionate, empathetic and balanced at the flick of a switch. These four states requires intentional dwelling and altering how you experience and perceive yourself and others. Becoming aware of and loosening the bonds of the ego are especially important in this practice.