what are the function of the presiding officer of a Legislative Assembly
hope it helps
The Speaker is the Presiding Officer of the Legislative Assembly and as such must act with both authority and impartiality. The office of the Speaker is recognised in section 31 of the Constitution Act. The Speaker is described as the Legislative Assembly's "independent and impartial representative".
The first act of a newly elected Parliament, after Members have taken the Pledge of Loyalty, is the election of a Speaker. Section 31B of the Constitution Act together with Standing Order 10 outline the method for the election of the Speaker, which will be by a secret ballot if there is more than one nomination.
By authority of a colonial minute dating back to 1885, the Speaker holds office from the date of election, during the period of dissolution to the election of a successor.
There are important provisions in the Constitution Act 1902 which relate to the Office of Speaker: what happens when the Speaker is absent from the State; the fact that the Speaker is not counted in a quorum; the Speaker's casting vote; the right of the Speaker to participate in debate and vote in divisions when not presiding in the Chair; and the fact that Members resign to the Speaker.
The Speaker is the Presiding Officer of the Legislative Assembly and as such must act with both authority and impartiality. The office of the Speaker is recognised .