History, asked by yashvt, 1 year ago

What are the immediate cause of French revolution


Answered by ranjeetakatarep9sk2l
Hey, mate here is ur answer.

French Revolution was a conflict between the french common people and the monarchy. It sprang from a combination of intellectual ferment and material grievances ; and it was the intellectual ferment that made material grievances more fiercely resented. Following are the main causes:

Political causes: Bourbon dynasty was ruling france and it was absolute monarchy. King had centralised the administration and there was ranpant corruption. Kings had all powers - legislative, judiciary and executive as well. There was no codified uniform legal system. Aristocrats and nobles had monopolised all important government offices and posts.

Social causes: Society was divided three estates mainly: 1st estate included clergy and pope, 2nd estate included nobles and 3 estate included every one else. 1st estate had less than 1 % population but used to control 15% of the resources. They didn’t pay any taxes. Used to control churches and run schools and public functions. Also laid compulsary tax on people called ‘tithe’. Peasants and others had to pay 1/10th of their income to church. 2nd estate consisted of aristocrats and nobles. They accounted for 2% of the population but owned 20% of the resources/ land but paid almost no tax. 1st and 2nd estate enjoyed special privileges. 3rd estate was like 97% of the population which included bourgeoisie class (wealthy business man and educated people who were doctors, teachers lawyers etc.) , workers and peasants. This estate used to pay high taxes but had no special privileges.

Cultural and ideological causes: Montesquieu, Voltaire, Rousseau and many others were philosophers who wrote about this privileged based society and condemned it. They talked about democracy and separation of powers theory. Also they questioned the authority of church and talked about abolishing church. They attacked the principle of absolute monarchy and criticised existing laws. They made people aware of the true character of their monarch Louis XVI.

Economic causes: 3/4th of expense was being done on defence. King was continually on war. While America was fighting for their war of independence against british colonial empire, he send his army to help Americans but no source of revenue was there. Rest was spend of king and queen’s lavish lifestyle. Also, flawed taxation policy, no uniformity of taxes led to high inflation. 3rd estate had to bear the brunt and led to poverty. Bread riots too occurred from 1770 onwards.

Influence of American revolution: General Lafayette along with other france soldiers were send to America to help them in the war against britain. They fought along with General Washington. But after war, when they came back france, they realised that the people of france are also suffering due to monarchy and decided to help in French Revolution.

Immediate causes: people were asking the king for reforms in the taxation policy along with other development reforms. King hired few finance ministers one by one but fired them too as all the finance ministers talked about implementing uniform taxation policy but since king was very weak and under the influence of his queen Marie Antoniette, and nobles and aristocrats, they never let king implement such policies and asked king to fire those finance ministers. Which led to anger among common people and finally they revolted.

Hope this answer helps to you✌️✌️
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