What are the imortant developmental goal can be classified into two groups
Three types of goals
Now comes the fun part, actually thinking about and establishing your goals. There are three types of goals: based on time, focus and topic.
1. Time goals are the ones we refer to as short-term or long-term. An example would be having a short-term goal of learning how to make a roux with a long-term goal of learning how to make gumbo.
2. Focus goals remind me of a BHAG (big hairy audacious goal). It's the one thing that's driving the majority of decisions. For instance, I had a goal last year to write a book. Big goal. It was a huge endeavor and impacted many of my personal and professional decisions.
3. Topic-based goals can be personal, professional, career, and financial. Maybe you have a goal to save a certain amount of money. Or to complete a leadership development program. These are goals that are important in a certain aspect of our life.
Time, focus, and topic goals are not mutually exclusive. We can have short-term financial goals, long-term career goals, and a personal BHAG.