what are the impact of the earthquake?
Earthquakes can destroy settlements and kill many people. Aftershocks can cause even more damage to an area. It is possible to classify the impacts of an earthquake as:
· social impacts (the impact on people)
· economic impacts (the impact on the wealth of an area)
· environmental impacts (the impact on the landscape)
Social impacts
Long-term impacts : Disease may spread. People may have to be re-housed, sometimes in refugee camps
Short-term (immediate) impacts :People may be killed or injured. Homes and other buildings may be destroyed. Transport and communication links may be disrupted. Water pipes may burst and water supplies may be contaminated
Effects are often classified as primary and secondary impacts. Primary effects occur as a direct result of the ground shaking, eg buildings collapsing. Secondary effects occur as a result of the primary effects, eg tsunamis or fires due to ruptured gas mains.
Some of the common impacts of earthquakes include structural damage to buildings, fires, damage to bridges and highways, initiation of slope failures, liquefaction, and tsunami.