What are the implications of india having a long coastline ?
Indian peninsula has a huge coastline of about 7500 km. India is also having two islands which further increase the territorial water and are strategically important.
The advantages are
1. Climate : Continent makes the climate extreme. Monsoon, tropical cyclones and moderate temperature ranges are due to influence of marine.
2. Transport and trade : Starting from ancient Roman empire to present oil trade, most of the trade and transport is mainly through the sea route.
3. Resources : Having huge coastline and continental shelf, resources like petroleum, thorium, etc are obtained.
4. Livelihood : Fisheries, pearls, salt production, etc provide vast economic opportunities to people.
5. Strategic: Indian ocean is named itself by the country name. Huge trade through this region. Hence the strategic location favors India to become a superpower.
6. Power generation: It is possible for the country to install offshore wind power plants in the EEZ's and get energy needs for the people of coastal areas of the country.
7. Tourism .
8. Bio diversity : Coral island are rich bio diversity areas and a tourist hot spot too. Thus bio-diversity gives the advantage of tourism and fishing industry.