what are the importance of acoustics
Acoustics in buildings and environment has been amply researched at some european building codes, such as the CTE Código Técnico de Edificación, the Spanish Standard [and one of the tightest and most difficult to comply with in Europe].
There is specific documentation on the chapter of Sound and Accoustics Health Standards defining what kind of insulation each activity has to have, from pink noise or sound, to peaking sound and bass based vibration.
They affect inner confort, and safety. Safety as in the most insulated house will be considered risky, specially on wooden structures. When under fire stress, wooden structures will start creaking and squaking far faster than any real stress is happening [contrary to belief, wood is a very good fire retardant and fire safe material for structures, due to carbonized wood being a very good insulating material], preventing and warning inhabitants to get out of the building.
A big issue with acoustics are vibrations created by IT equipment and HVAC equipment, and their sound transmission through structure.
But I digress:
In short [and generalising]
For housing projects:
Room to room insulation, and privacy issues.
External sound insulaiton
For office buildings:
Productivity through concentration [one of the reasons why the most advanced companies are ditching the open plan or landscape offices].
Health and safety [again, in Spain the ammount of dB and sonius on the desk are regulated]
External and internal insulation
Public activities
Performance distribution [echo control] on stages, auditoria, and other rooms
Privacy for important matters
Privacy for private matters [on city halls, and so on].
Hope it helps :)/
- Acoustics is essential to promote the creation of environments, both indoors and outdoors, involving rooms with good listening conditions for speakers, musicians and listeners and also living environments and working areas which are reasonably free from harmful and/or intruding noise and vibrations.
- Hope it is helpful