what are the importance of roadways.....?
- construction cost of roads is lower
- Roads can contruct in undulating topography
- Roads can traverse mountains
- it also provides door to door services
- road transport provide a link between railway station, airports and etc....
I hope it will help u
To develop a nation.
As roads are an important asset, it is necessary to maintain it so that it can go a long way. The following are some of the importance of roads: 1) The cheapest and convenient way of roads is freight and people from one place to another
2) The form of transport compared to the Anoi as they are very flexible. Vehicles can be prevented anywhere and anytime if needed.
3) Roads play the role of feeders to railways. Without good roads, the railways cannot accumulate enough to produce its operation to make it possible.
There are many other benefits as well.
It is necessary to maintain that if you want to use it
For a long time. These days, the best way to maintain the pour is by using asphalt. The construction of roads with asphalt and the maintenance material helps in making their life longer. Laying services to help build roads in asphalt is a better way to enhance their lives