What are the important Latitudes, explain with the help of a diagram.
These lines allow you to quickly and accurately locate places and features on the earth's surface. Latitude and longitude also play an important role in determining times and dates." Latitude: Lines of latitude are imaginary lines that run in an east-west (side-to-side) direction around the earth.
the equator (0°)
the Tropic of Cancer (23.5° north)
the Tropic of Capricorn (23.5° south)
the Arctic circle (66.5° north)
the Antarctic circle (66.5° south)
the North Pole (90° north)
the South Pole (90° south)
an angle that happens to run from o degrees around the areas of the equator and and an angle of 90 degrees around the areas of the poles is also termed as a latitude. the function of the latitudes together with the longitude is to show the position of most parts and areas of the world and features.