what are the independent kingdoms rose after the death of aurangajeb
With the burial of Aurangzeb Alamgir was also buried the glory and prestige of the Mughal Empire. Dismemberment of the empire began and the Marathas who were the most formidable of the Hindu powers made a bid for supremacy.
Despite ‘all the struggles and schemes, the campaigns and sieges of this prince (Aurangzeb) the power of the Marathas increased day by day.
They divided all the districts among themselves and in the imperial fashion they appointed their Subahdars, Kamaishdars and Hahdars.
They attacked and destroyed the country as far as the borders of Ahmadabad and the districts of Malwa and spread their devastations through the provinces of the Deccan to the environs of Uj- jain’.
The Marathas were the only likely successor to the Mughal empire. But internal dissensions kept them absorbed for some years after the death of Aurangzeb.
On the death of Aurangzeb, Azam the second of the surviving sons of Aurangzeb and a contender for the throne released Shahu, son of Shambhuji and grandson of Shivaji who had been taken captive on the death and execution of his father in 1689 and brought up at the Mughal court. Zul-Fiqr Khan’s suggestion to release Shahu was not due to any motive of mercy but with some ulterior motive. Shahu was allowed to return to the Deccan and claim his patrimony and should he succeed in his attempt he would be a friendly prince and ensure the safety of the Mughal dominions in the south. Or should he fail to obtain a hold on his patrimony, he would embroil the Marathas in a civil war and remove this danger for some time.