What are the key areas of reform if the wto has to survive in the present context of trade war', especially keeping in mind the interest of india?
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This happened on the very day United States Trade Representative ... Taken together, all this can potentially lead to a trade war. ... It is now time to focus on the first.
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The important changes that India is looking forward are that the environment and labor issues should not be part of the WTO It should be taken care of by ILO and UNFCCC. There needs to be a strong integration for developing the underdeveloped and poor countries. For this they consensus from the 162 members of the WTO.
There should be a mechanism for protecting poor farmers in developing countries. There needs to be an effective solution to public stockholding for food and security need to be resolved before any discussions on trading. India looks forward to taking care of these issues by the WTO in the context of a trade war.
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